Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Life in Lockdown - Day 36 of 44 (or more), April 29, 2020

Day 36

Not bad at all. Though I hear the migrants are suffering no end. Watched 'Little Women' last night and enjoyed it. Morning chores, journal and then a couple of calls that took up an hour each. One with Vijay and another with Mahesh Raje who I spoke to after a long long time. Both for some inputs into our book of course so it was work. Lunch and then table tennis - day Anjali and I played for an hour - each refusing to give up before the other.
Forgot who shared this but its beautiful - Thanks Anon
Spent a bit of time working on the book and just crashed in the afternoon for a much-needed nap. Caught up on a call or two and its time for dinner, lighting the diya outside and winding down with the blog. Chanti called, I called Aai in Pune, Das, Choudary and Pooja.

A sense of quiet again. Almost like we have settled into a new normal now. Everyone is busy with our own schedule - work, entertainment or whatever. Wonder if we will need the outside world after this lockdown is over. And how we will react to it.

A Hero Falls - Dr Ismail Hussain from Kurnool
Stories of such doctors inspire me no end. I had seen this item somewhere and found it again today. Dr Ismail Hussain, a 76-year-old doctor from Kurnool, known famously as the Rs. 2 doctor, died of COVID 19, after he reopened his clinic to see patients. His patients would pay him whatever they could afford - a cardboard box was kept and they would put money in and take change out. He would see patients from 7 pm to 1 o2 am. Obviously very popular, he could not stay put for more than a week in the lockdown, fell ill, complained of breathlessness and died after two days. His family of six has tested positive, the hospital where he was admitted has been sealed and his final rites completed as per recommended norms.
Amazing work in a lifetime, Dr Ismail died with his boots on.
Dr. Ismail Hussain

Kerala's Umbrella Idea for Social Distancing 
A nice idea. The picture tells it all.

KFC Chicken by Pavan
Pavan is on a roll and he shared pics of his KFC chicken. Looks yummy.
KFC Chicken
Chicken Stick Cream Tikka Kebab

That's the load for the day. Good night!

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