Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Arts Management 2020 - Session 6 (SMART Goals)


Artistic vision

1. Your artistic vision 

It must include

- the driving purpose for you to continue to dance for the rest of your life (eg. to inspire people, to entertain people, to make people happy, to make Indian classical great etc)
- what is the impact you would like to see on the world (to see people happy, to elevate the quality of life, etc)

One part is your pursuit of art and the other is the impact on the world - where you impact the maximum number of people in the world. Also, identify the emotion you want to leave them with. Your purpose should inspire you, it should give you a reason to work with great commitment.


2. Deconstruction of skills

Identify the A,B, C categories in your skillset according to their importance
Rate each one on a scale of 1-10
Check with your guru and/or a peer who can evaluate you well and ask them to rate you also
You will get a fair evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses as a dancer
Create a plan to work and improve those areas

3. Plan to improve skillset

Use both 10000 hours and 20 hours concepts to focus on improving your skills
Deconstruct and identify strong and weak areas
Get a fair evaluation of your skill through gurus/peers
Understand mistakes, find right practices through discussions with gurus
Remove distractions
Engage in deliberate practice
- Identify your strong areas as above and strengthen them one by one until you know its perfect, know process
- identify weak areas and work on them specifically, in order of importance, until they are strong

Put in the effort (number of hours), routines, repetitions until you are confident you have improved

Today's session - SMART Goals
There's an apocryphal story of a study done in Harvard in 1979 when students were asked - have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans o accomplish them? Only three per cent had written goals and plans, 13 per cent had goals but not in writing and 84% had no specific goals at all. Ten years later the members of the class were interviewed and the findings were like this - the 13% who had goals were earning on average twice as much as the 84% who did not have goals. The 3% who had written goals they say, were learning ten times as much the other 97% together.

There are four reasons why people don't set goals
1. They don't realise the importance of clear goals
2. They don't know how to set goals (too general or vague)
3. They fear failure
4. They fear criticism and rejection

One important aspect of goal setting is that it helps you focus on what you want, and not on what you don't want. It provides clarity. Once you have the clarity to can commit your full energies to the goal which will reveal many new opportunities to you.

One good method is setting SMART Goals.
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time-bound

Specific - Make your goal as specific as you can. Instead of using abstract goals like successful or good or rich, put a name, number, visual to get a clear idea of what you are aiming at. A 'good dancer' is not specific nor is 'a successful dancer'. It has to be a rank (best dancer in the world), number (number of performances, awards), major stages (performed in Sydney Opera house, Albert Hall etc), something that signifies a clear challenge or goal. When the challenge is clear, our preparation will begin commensurately. Also when the challenge is big, we also grow as a person and artist. So set goals that grow you, excite you.

An eg. I want to be a CEO is vague, I want to be CEO of Microsoft or Google or some Fortune 500 company is different from being CEO of my own firm which requires little preparation.

Measurable - The goal should be measurable. I want to be a millionaire is measurable - you can count. Remember the saying - what can be measured, can be improved. So find a way to measure your progress, to put a number on your goal.
Use ranks, number of performances, awards, number of hours- numbers to measure.
Eg. To gain expertise in my practice, I will practice 3 hours every day or perform 12 times in the year.

Attainable - The goal should be a stretch goal. it would not be too easily attainable nor should it be impossible to attain. The right way is to set it high enough for you to feel it is out of reach, and high enough t make you look at different ways to reach it. It should challenge and grow you, make you think differently.
If it's impossible you'll give up. If it's too easy, you will not grow. Must be in between.

Relevant - It should be relevant to your current journey. Don't make goals that are not aligned to your main focus. The ideas to have goals that align and enable the achievement of the big goal. If you have diverse goals pulling you in different directions, your energies will be split)
Time-Bound - All goals should be time-bound. It is not a goal if there is no time limit on it.

Exercise/ PracticeSet SMART goals for the following durations, in the same order as given

20-year goals (have a big 20-year visit)
10-year goals (aligned with the 20 year goals)
5-year goals
2-year goals
6 month goals (be very clear on what you will achieve in the next six months including your exam goals, performances, higher educational goals etc)

Your goals can include your career goals, material goals, educational goals, money goals, etc and should paint a fair picture of your goal. Since we are coming backwards from 20 years, the 10, 5, 2 and 6 month goals should be in alignment.
Please be very specific with the 6-month goals because that will start your preparation in the right earnest.

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