Thursday, February 6, 2025

Doctor on the Job - Richard Gordon

Richard Gordon is a qualified doctor (anesthetist) known for his 'Doctor' books which have been made into films and TV series. As expected it was a light hearted English comedy with all parties being in good moods and possessing a Right Ho attitude.

Many characters come to the fore immediately which confused me - Sir Lancelot who seems to be a doctor himself and one of repute, a dean and his daughter Faith, which means we need a nephew somewhere who comes in the form of Pip, a desultory medical student who fails all his exams but take sup the cause of the unions with great responsibility. Why Pip becomes a Union man and how he he goes about organising a strike against the hospital management is the rest of the story with one hot film star who is thrown in as a hospital patient.

Rupa seems to have published this book as part of some promotional campaign for doctors as the book has a sticker on the back cover promoting Losartan which brings a smile to all. The book is supposed to bring a smile to all surely but as we go to the end the number of ant the kind of printing and spelling errors they have let go shocked me - there must have been at least 20-30 of them (od instead of do for example). How can anything, even a transactional commitment like this, come out with such bad production values.

The books by itself is a fun read. Light hearted, some talk about the hospital system. All's well and that ends well.      

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Sights Around Nagpur - East India Company

 Prasad took us to lunch at this quaint restaurant called East India Company. Its one of the quaintest restaurants I have ever been to. Lovely music, great food and incredible ambience.

Beautiful place. I'd love to go there again.

Sights Around Nagpur - Narrow Guage Museum

Went to the Narrow Guage Museum after that. It was a lovely little museum with a toy train that we can take a ride on around the yard, see some old engines, toy models, pictures. We walked around and spent a good half hour.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Sights on an Afternoon Walk - All Saints Cathedral, Bishop Cotton School

Match done we headed out wondering what to do and as we walked to Prasad's car we saw this wonderful church a little behind the stadium. I asked if we could stop there and Prasad said he would - its a church he would go to every Christmas. We parked on the street and we walked into the church - a lovely old building - All Saints Cathedral. Being a Sunday there were people at the church.

I could see a couple of buildings on the side leading up to the cathedral and clicked pics. 

Bishop Cotton School

Lovely old school. 

Sights on My Evening Walks - Walker Street

Prasad is an avid cricket buff and he knows so much about cricket that even we feel inadequate sometimes. Anyway when I told him about my walking tours in the morning he said he would take us to Walker street which is a street in Civil Lines that is shut off for traffic every evening and morning for a couple of hours so people can just walk. It was a lovely avenue with tall, old trees, a club or two here and there (its where all senior officers stay so you could expect an Officer's Club there), and many cute statues of people exercising or planning to exercise etc. We walked up and down the street - the CMs bungalow is at the end.

    We ended with a juice at the juice cart.

Riaz and Prasad at the juice van

Monday, February 3, 2025

Sights on the Morning Walk - GPO, Vidhan Sabha, Old High Court

 Having seen a glimpse of the GPO near the Akashvani circle thanks to Ramana who took me to the Press Club one evening (they have no clue about portions or do the press men eat that much!), I decided to hop into a cab at 6 am and went to GPO. The roads at Civil Lines were empty and there were people walking about, very few. One lady zipped by in her Kinetic and stopped at strategic points to feed dogs, all looking super healthy. I took pictures of the GPO and then walked down the road which had some old colonial structures.


Impressive structure

Who is posting letters now

I spotted one old building which was labelled 'Old High Court'. Prasad told me later that these buildings were in a heritage zone where they could not be destroyed or redone or whatever and only had to be preserved. And then another building.

Old High Court Building

Akashvani, All India Radio

Old AIR building

 The Akashvani building, the Vidhan Bhavan, the statue of the Gond Raja, the old Central Museum which is now temporarily closed, the dargah attached to the Vidhan Sabha which was making tons of food for people. 

Vidhan Bhavan

One old lady who was sleeping on the pavement who suddenly saw me and asked me some money with hope - I wondered how she must have been as a child, what her life story might have been, why she ended up here. I smiled and she smiled back, having given it a shot.

The Central Musuem

Meetha Neem Sharif dargah - Sufi saint Sayyad Jalaluddin Meer Surkh's resting place

I rushed back to catch breakfast and the rest of the match.   

Md Arshad, Uber Cab Driver - Honesty is Alive and Kicking

 I have been observing this weird habit of mine of leaving my phone beside me from the last six months. More than once I have left it behind and gone back and got it back. For example, in September when we were traveling from Tirunelveli to Madurai I left my phone behind in a crowded hotel and went to the wash basin and by the time I returned Tanmay was waving my phone. I had forgotten it on the table and our observant driver saw it and quickly secured it before someone took it away. 

Md Arshad - How to find a phone in Mumbai

Next. I was speaking on the phone, a particularly tense conversation regarding selection while leaving to Ahmedabad and since I was on the blue tooth ear phones I forgot the phone in the Uber cab after alighting at the Shamshabad airport, paid him and was walking off with my luggage still talking on the phone. Suddenly I heard someone urgently calling me 'Sir, Sir' and turned and there was the cab driver with my phone in hand. For some reason he had turned back, found the phone in the back seat and came rushing to return it. Now at Shamshabad airport I think the time hey give yo to drop is limited to some 3 minutes or here's a fine and he risked it when in fact we would think that people would quietly pocket it.

I should have learned my lesson but no. And this time I lost it in Mumbai - and the cab had left!

Once again I was in the middle of an intense conversation and was on my ear phones. I alighted at the ITC Maratha hotel which seemed to have some function going on so there was a lot of hungama. I got off and was still talking on my phone and by the time I checked my pocket the cab was gone and with it my phone. Losing a phone in Mumbai is like losing a pin in a haystack. And Mumbai is the big bad city with all kinds of smart people out to cheat you and con you right? Wrong!

I went inside, spoke to the lady at the counter and told her that I had to check in but please could she help me because I left my phone in the cab. And could she get my colleague Jyothi Shetty on the line in his room so I had some back up. Nimisha was pretty calm and efficient and was thinking better than I was and asked me my number. 'Let's call your number and check sir,' she said. 'He might pick up the phone.'

The first time he did not pick up. The second time, he did and my heart soared. 'Irshad bhai,' I said, remembering the name. 'I forgot my phone in your car.' Without a trace of irritation he said, I have to make a drop sir and I will come to your hotel.' While I was thinking how he can contact me in this huge hotel Nimisha took the phone and told him to come  to the hotel and give it at the bell desk and ask for me in room 1135.

I told her I wanted to reward him for his honesty (and also give him an incentive to come). Jyo had come by now so I called Arshad again from Jyo's phone and this time he did not pick up for a while. And then he did and I told him I will wait for him at the gate and he could call on Jyo's number and that I will make good his loss for my negligence. 'I will make the drop and come sir,' he said. 'In 30 minutes.'

Jyo and I wandered the roads wondering if he would come. Jyo was sure he would. If he picked up the call he is a good guy he said. We walked around chatting and called him again after 30 minutes. 'I am at Goregaon,' he said. Another 10 minutes. I said I will be at the gate.

We kept walking about looking for a Wagon R with 0071 as the number. And finally he turned into the lane. I stopped him. He gave me my phone even as he came to a stop. I gave him a 1000 bucks and said thank you. He smiled and took the money happily. I could have given him more considering the kind of data I would have lost, but that was all the money I had in my wallet then. He did not show any sign of wanting more money or unhappiness at being offered less or greed at wanting to manipulate the situation to get more. He was just content to give it back to its rightful owner. There was no building a story about his greatness at having come all the way to return it either. Simple. Job done.

The distances in Mumbai at so vast and the traffic so dense that it makes it almost impossible to find a mobile phone like this. Chances are very very very slim. He could have just told me to come and pick it up as well since he did look tired. But he did not - he made it a point to come all the way back. I tried to think if I would have done what he did - I doubt it. I would have probably told them to come and get it from me.

 I asked Arshad if I could get his picture. He put on the lights in the car and smiled. 'That customer in the back seat told me your phone was ringing,' he said. 'Good that he was a nice guy. Anyone else could have just pocketed it.'

The world it seemed was filled with nice guys. Three cab drivers and each of them made a special effort to reach out to me and return my cell phone. Each going further Not to mention Nimisha who had left by the time I went back in with my phone and Jyo who waited patiently with me while I waited for Arshad.

And Uber who seems to specialise in giving me my phones back too!

The world is a nice place. Why do we doubt that? And yes, I will now find a better way to keep my phone on mu person and not leave it all over the place. But this is not about that - this is about Arshad and his clan of honest men who would travel miles to return a phone and not take the easy option. My heart warms up when I think of them. May their tribe live long.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sights on Morning Walks - Adivasi Gowari Memorial, Freedom Park

 Right across the road to the Zero Mile is another memorial - the Gowari stampede in 1994 which occurred when 50000 tribals of the Gowari community came to Nagpur to protest for their rights. In the ensuing police lathicharge a stampede happened and 114 people, mostly women and children, died and 500 were injured. The commission found no one guilty and the one who resigned was the tribal welfare minister who took moral responsibility for the incident. Clean chits for the police, the CM Sharad Pawar and all concerned. The memorial has a plaque which explains why it is there and the names of all those who died are chiselled into the plaques around the memorial.

Good that it is right next to the Zero Milestone. Further down the road, a stone's throw away is the Vidhan Sabha.

I walked a little down the road and found the Freedom Park which has a huge Metro station attached to it.

I took a cab and headed back to the hotel. Nice walk.