Saturday, April 18, 2020

Art Management 2020 - Session 10



This is the communication cycle. Sender sends a message to the Receiver and Receiver sends feedback about what she has received. The communication gap between Sending and Receiving is due to the many barriers or noise in communication. Good communication ensures that the message is delivered and received by the receiver exactly as the sender intended to.

Seven C’s of Effective Communication

Language/ Perceptual difference/ Bias/ Emotional Retentionl limitation.

Overcoming barriers
Use Simple Language
Reduce and eliminate noise – Be non-judgemental
Active Listening – Be involved, Ask questions
Give Constructive Feedback - Contents of feedback might be negative, but delivered constructively
Proper Media Selection - Simple messages should be conveyed orally. Use written communication for delivering complex messages.

Verbal and Non-verbal communication

Verbal - Conversations, Speeches, Presentations, Discussions Face to face communication (meetings, lectures, conferences, interviews, etc.) is significant to build a rapport and trust

Non-verbalNon-verbal communication is 80% of our communication. Studies reveal that 50% of this first impression comes from non-verbal communication. Only 7% of comes from words - that we actually say.

  • Facial expressions, postures & gestures (no crossing of hands while speaking)
  • Eye contact (builds trust, while addressing large groups don’t gaze at one person for more than 4-5 seconds)
  • Touching (hand shake etc)
  • Personal Space - Between 18 inches - 4 feet, when speaking to a crowd around 10-12 feeT
  • Late arrival will be considered not giving adequate respect
  • Variations in pitch, speed, volume, and pauses to convey meaning.
  • Physical appearance. Neatly combed hair, ironed clothes and a lively smile
 “What we say” is less important than “how we say it” as words are only 7% of our communication.

Written Communication
  • Good writing must engage a reader, the reader must feel involved in the write-up
  • Start with something interesting and catch attention
  • Add a personal touch, involve the reader
  • Give examples and not just adjectives
  • Leverage numbers, give data to be more credible
  • Avoid jargon
  • Do not misrepresent data
  • Ensure that the document is error-free, spellings, grammar, names, proofread
Negotiation involves the following principles
1) Fairness 2) Seeking mutual benefit 3) Maintaining the relationship

Negotiation process involves the following steps
1. Preparation - know all facts
2. Discussion - each party put forward their case as they see it. Listen, Question, Clarify.
3. Clarifying goals
4. Negotiate towards Win-Win situations
5. Agreement
6. Implementation of a course of action

If we don't agree, we can choose to discuss later with a new set of proposals.

1 comment:

Abhinay Renny said...

Wow, this is so helpful. Thanks for sharing it sir.