Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Interesting Link - The Daily Routines of 12 Famous Writers

Good one!

EB White (don't wait for ideal conditions)
Murakami (4 am and writes for 4-6 hours and then physical exercise)
Hemingway (morning light and go on)
Henry Miller (one thing at a time)
Vonnegut (530-10, sit-ups and push-ups)
Jodi Picoult (write every day even if it's bad)
Maya Angelou (wrote in a hotel room, easy is hard)
Nathan Englander (no cell phones)
Karen Russell (write badly)
AJ Jacobs (get more ideas, writes on treadmill, outline and detailed outline)
Khaled Hosseini (write whether you like it or not, does not outline, goes with the flow)

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