Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Thought for the Day - The Stress-Free Life - Stop Doing What You Feel You 'Must' Do

 Or, stop taking yourself too seriously!

Like the plants - just be

There are times when I look at the blog and think - hey, I should do this or this or whatever. I feel I 'must' post.

But that does not really help. It only means that I am taking myself too seriously, more than required. I should be able to do it without tat feeling of 'must' do. Then it comes down to labour from an art.

That's how we reduce our lives from an art form to labour.

Al the things you feel you 'must' do, even that little bit, are what you must mentally let go (maybe even physically) to find that joy within it. Else it just becomes a labored, conscious, who's looking project.

When life should be easy, not conscious and do-it-for-the-sake-of-doing it thing.

Take it easy. No one's looking. No one's judging.

You do it for yourself.


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