Monday, January 10, 2022

Thought for the Day - The Facade and the Reality Behind

 So we deal with the artificial facade we put up before us because we feel that the real us - the one that is vulnerable and true and honest and is full of good intent and actions that cannot be explained - is not good enough. This facade hides the real us. This is our defense.

The ocean of love behind the wall

Others know it. That's why they attack our weakest part, our wall, our pretence, and that is why we get angry, because they have caught us out. But when we go behind the wall, if we peek there, we find a river of 'I don't knows', 'I don't understand' - the rive of love has no rationale and that is where we find the connection.

We cannot make a connection with the wall. We can fight with it, resent it, create drama but we cannot make a connection with it.

To find that connection, lost or otherwise with another person, look behind the wall, and seek to access that river of love, of uncertainty, and you will make that connection. Do nothing, just hold that thought and things unfold. 

Because, as you seek the pathway to the river of love behind that wall, that facade, you drop your judgments.You are free of judgments and that energy will open up space in that other person too. And the wall opens a bit and a connection is made.

No judgment. Wall comes down.

Being aware of the fact that there is a river behind and we are seeking it is itself enough. 

Our job now, in this lifetime, is to get rid of that front so the river of love is right there, accessible to all. There is no business, no smartness, only love.

Anything that separates us -is not a good idea. Be whole, front and back, Be integrous.

To remove our wall, we give up all gaining ideas. We just are as we are. In that state things are drawn to you with ease. You have no burden to carry. Just receive.

Just float in the river of love. 

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