Friday, October 11, 2013

Anjali - It's Not Fair

I do like this concept of fairness in children. I was having a rather heated discussion on the phone about some pending payment and Anjali asked me who it was. I told her that it was a school where I'd held my writing workshop. Anjali knew about that workshop and had even come to the school once so she knew what I was talking about.

Her expression changed and she said in utmost surprise.
'But that's not fair.'
I loved that spontaneous expression of fairness.

Then she told me what was best done in this sort of a situation.
'They should pay you na nanna. You did their work. If Lakshmi (our maid) came and asked for money after she did all the work and mamma said she won't pay, how will it be? If they do not pay you, go to the police and tell them they did not pay you.'

It's as simple as that.

I wonder how many adults would agree. I wonder why we stopped thinking like that.

1 comment:

Rajendra said...

Sense and sensibility.