Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A Trip to Chilkur Balaji temple

 They say that you don't go to these places until you are ready - or until the deity calls you. Despite being in Hyderabad and hearing so much about the VISA Balaji temple I never went to Chilkur Balaji temple. Maybe because I never wanted to go abroad (I normally don't want to go anywhere by myself observed someone). Anyway the opportunity presented itself and at the right time recently when me and my friend went there.

I have been told that the chief priest Shri Rangarajan was our batchmate at Osmania though I never met him then - me in Civil and out on the fields and he in Electronics. I loved the temple, cute and small, very few people when we went. Had a quick darshan with only five or six people around, sat on a elevated roof nearby and came back. Walked around the temple, watched the shops, soaked in the idyllic atmosphere of the village and returned.

Two ants - one was carrying the other or something like that 

Struck me to take  a few pics at the end else I would have had more pics. But it was a lovely experience and I enjoyed the serenity of the place. I prayed for good stuff to happen to my friend and we returned.  

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