Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Thought for the Day - When We Give Up Attachment to an Outcome, We Give Freedom for it's Opposite to Come Alive

 We are attached to not looking foolish. We become rigid in trying to protect that aspect of ourselves with our life. All our life is about protecting 'I am not foolish'. What agrees with you, you will associate with. What does not, you reject.

 The world is - 'those who think I am not foolish' and 'those who think I am foolish'.

We are mortally scared of being found out as foolish. Even more significantly we are mortally scared of the opposite (being seen as intelligent) which we feel we may never be.

But let's say we give up our attachment to this being 'foolish'. We are light and loose about it. We are ok with being called 'foolish'. Then what happens?

It gives us the freedom to explore what this 'intelligence' si about. We can, like a simpleton, or a child, or a foolish man, hold this 'intelligence' in our hand, turn it this way and that, press a button here or there and slowly learn or understand it.

We can begin the process of learning, or becoming intelligent.  

The first step to growth then is to let go of whatever we are holding on rigidly to. All that we are holding on rigidly to means that we are scared of its opposite. That we are scared we can never be the opposite of that.

To get there, let this one go. 

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