Friday, March 19, 2021

Thought for the Day - True Surrender is To Let Go of All Expectations and Judgments

 Surrender I guess is surrendering our ego which sometimes gets in our way by wanting to do too much, wanting to do things by doing things by itself, taking on too much responsibility when not required, looking at perfection as something it can control and in the end ending up by not getting exactly what it wants to get for all the above reasons and more.

There are times however that we realise, that there is an efficiency to the universe, of which we are a part of, that flows through easily. If we align into it, trust it and let it flow, things happen. We do our bit and that much only, without attachment and judgment and allow the other parts to align and make it happen. Most times, we end up with better results than we can even dream of. An ease shows up in our life.

The key is to have no attachment to the outcome, no judgment. All possibilities are ok and all can be embraced with the same non-judgment. When we get to that state, it is true surrender to me. A state when our ego is at peace and we are in alignment with the universe or god or spirit or energy as we would like to call it. 

In true surrender, ease shows up. There is no regret. We have burnt ourselves in the process and there is nothing left behind. If something is left in the form of regret, then we have had attachment. Or judgment.

Surrender is ease.   

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