Monday, May 25, 2015

Anjali - My Friends Are Like Different Parts of Me

'She won again,' said Anjali. She was distraught that her friend Mansi had beaten her at chess.
After some discussion on the technicalities I gently told her to go back and play with her again.

'No, Mansi does not want to play chess again,' she pouted.
'Why?' I asked.

'She does not like playing chess so much. Harsh likes playing chess. They like doing different things.'

After  a moment she said 'They are like different parts of me. Mansi is like the active part. She likes dancing, jumping, coloring etc. Harsh is the non-active part. Like chess and such games.'

It took me a long time to figure that out. But you are right - people resonate to different parts of us.

Good for you Anjali.

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