Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Memorable Outing - Visit to Gitanjali Primary School, Begumpet

Mrs. Shashi Musunuri, Principal of Gitanjali Primary School, and my dear friend Mohan's sister-in-law was kind enough to give me an opportunity to interact with the students of the fifth class. There were almost 140 of them. They sat well-behaved and polite, asked intelligent questions and interacted in a far more mature and sensible manner than most. Almost every child spoke uniquely, was aware of their own uniqueness and behaved such.
Me and Mrs. Shashi, Principal

I spoke of writing, how one can write, the journey of the writer and why they should all write. They all promised that they would. Then they deluged me with the greatest show of love one can experience in one moment when all 140 of them rushed up to take autographs at one go thrusting the desk, the chairs and me with the sheer force of their energy. It took a while to get them under control - they wanted autographs - on papers, notebooks, bats. I signed.

And then they did stuff that only children can do. Some of them had thoughtfully made cards for me. The last few in the line killed me - they came up and said they were sorry. I asked them why. They said they were sorry because my hands must be hurting after signing so many autographs. So much thoughtfulness, so much love, such pure intent can only come from children. And the cards were so creative, some made in a hurry while waiting surely. I loved the way some of them took autographs for their friends - they did not come that day.

Thanks Mrs. Shashi. It will remain a memorable day in my life. One that showed me what we are originally are.


Anonymous said...

The cards were outstanding and the sheer magnitude of what they felt and how soon it was expressed is such a hope booster that children's love will sustain this world.

Harimohan said...

Thanks Anon.