Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Coaching Stories 7 - We Did a Lot of Work (But What About Impact)

 We made a list of things to do which was a big move forward by itself. And then we met to check progress on how we are faring. There were many items on the to do list and most were ticked off. Everyone was happy. 

One of the items that was ticked of was 'Suggestion Box'. Implemented. 

There was a sigh of relief at having ticked off the box. Job done!


Coaching Principle - it is not about the amount of work done, it is about the impact.

So in this case, if one feels that putting up a suggestion box is good work, it is not - yet. Simply because it is impact we measure and not work. So what is the impact of putting a suggestion box if no one gives suggestions? Nil.

The work is complete only when the suggestion box 
- encourages many people to give suggestions
- their suggestions are considered and rewarded and recognised
- a culture of sharing ideas is fostered 
- the culture is perpetuated through set processes 

The job is complete only when all this happens and the suggestion box serves its purpose. Whatever work you are doing, can you look at its impact and see how you can make most impact. As a leader your job is to think up processes and improvements. All the time.

Impact. Not just work. 


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