Sunday, March 19, 2023

Coaching Stories No 16 - How Many People Have You Influenced Positively Today?

 I am not sure what difference I made today?

Look at how many people you have influenced positively today. 

It could be a 

1) simple acknowledgement
2) a small appreciation
3) a gentle nudge for them to stretch and become bigger people
4) a small question on how they are doing and offering them a ear to listen to
5) or a suggestion
6) a 10 minute mentoring session with each member of your team
7) bringing a small change/improvement in a process
8)  sharing a new idea with the team
9) sharing an appropriate story from your life that motivates
10) learning something new about your subs, what's going on in their lives

All this can be done without affecting the rest of your work but it will have a huge impact over a period of time! So what are you waiting for? 

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