Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Anjali - Done With the Boards

 The bogey of the tenth class Boards is finally over for Anjali. She went through it patiently, alone, studied on her own, went to ask for doubts, made her own plans, asked for little help from us, kept her sanity and completed them.

The first exam was a bit of a tense affair for us. First time out of school, out of her teachers purview, out of known environments, will she lose her hall ticket, will she forget something etc. But then I realised that she is actually quite careful with the big things, takes care of herself, is aware of her enviorenment. She comfortably takes the Metro, has travelled alone from Mumbai to Pune by bus, and pretty mch handled her education by herself  without our help. SoI knew she would handle herself well.

And on her last exam I saw Akela go and fawn over her mistress, perhaps aware of what her mistress had done. And off we went, Anjali and i, for a pre exam ride in the car, some music, some jokes and off.

Exams done!  Well done Anjali. Ganbatte! 

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