Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thought for the Day - Draw All Your Energies Back

 Sometimes in meditations I hear these words ' now withdraw all your energies back to you. I never thought of it as much but when I think of it, all my energy is stuck with people and things outside of me. Very little of my energy is with me.

Consequently I am only reacting to others, worrying about them, thinking about them etc. If I draw that energy back i realise I have enough to have a good time, to stay in the present, to not get offended when people do things in their life (which has nothing to do with you - or even if it does, it does not matter). I can act on my own instead of reacting.

I can have a good time in my life feeling full and content. I guess I will also feel like laughing more. I will also check my phone less.

Ok then, draw all my energies back. Feels peaceful. I can go to sleep.  

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