Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Thought for the Day - Are You Bigger or Smaller?

 I was going in my car today and suddenly the thought  struck me that if I felt that the car gave me my identity, it was bigger than me. If I gave the car an identity, I was bigger than the car.

Similarly, anything in the world cannot be bigger than me - a house, a hotel, a person, an experience, clothes etc. It is me who gives it value. As long as I am bigger than it, it is made by me. I am not made by it.

It's a freeing thought. I am bigger than it all. Nothing is bigger than me.

I have no need to prove anything then.


Abhinay Renny said...

This seems to be a very profound thought sir :)

Harimohan said...

Thank you Abhinay. Are you bigger than this thought? :)