Saturday, March 23, 2024

Thought for the Day - Who Am I

 I ask myself - 'who' is feeling that - and it is not so bad anymore.

I was inspired by the book of Ramana Maharshi where he keeps questioning his devotees when they ask him questions - who is asking that question.

It stumped me for a bit. 

ho could ask that question? Me only no?

Then it struck me that Ramana Mahrashi differentiates between the real you (Who are you?/ Nan yaar?) and the not real you - the mind, the body, the five senses.

So the one who is feeling bad is the mind - or not the real me.

Cool, the real me is sitting still inside and not affected by all this and all I need to do is switch off from this drama and tune into the real me.

I am practicing asking myself that question - who is feeling that?  

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