Saturday, March 30, 2024

Madgaon Express - Movie

 2024. Hindi comedy. Directed by Kunal Khemu.

Three 'friends' who have always wanted to go to Goa since their school days but could not due to various reasons end up in Goa and get mixed up in unsavoury and not so unsavoury stuff. The fact that  the brains behind the Goa plan is faking a rich life when he is not and the other two are well off makes for some interesting scenes. The movie really picks up in Goa when two mobsters who were ex-lovers - Kanchan Komdi and Mendonza enter the scne. At stake is a huge stash of drugs, Norah Fatehi and their lives. Its a bit patchy but overall we have seen worse. And there are moments when we end up laughing out loud. If you are really short of humour in your life, go watch.


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