Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Thought for the Day - What to Do When Energy is Stuck

 Happens often. We are with someone and soon find that the energy is stuck. We don't know how to get unstuck and get back again. Most times this leads to further stuckness and worse things follow.

How to get out of being stuck?

The key word is stuck. What do we do when something is stuck. We shake it up right. That's what we need to do. So when we feel that the conversation is stuck we are basically saying that the energy is stuck. We need to get it to flow.

First and easiest way to get the flow going is to break the current stuck thing, physically get up, move about, move things around, get a coffee, take a break - something physical so the energy moves around. Just the physical act of moving energy breaks the stuckness. Now walk, shake, dance, play, eat, whatever. Shake it out.

The second way to get stuckness out is to look at the situation and ask - what's the best that one can do with the situation? With one another? Just zoom out and look at the situation and put the garbage that caused the flow of energy to get stuck aside and say - hey if we put that aside, what can we actually do that is best for both of us? We can have a good time or we can have a lousy time. It's our choice. 

One way is to tell the truth - as it is. When you describe what you feel exactly as you felt - this is what I felt you did to me, and this is how I felt. Absolute honesty, not that sparring game we play. I read somewhere that the best way to get flow back is to be honest - this is what I am feeling now physically - hot, cold, lost - something true that makes you vulnerable. Its how we connect to people. By showing our cracks.

I will write more on the aspect of how honesty and flow are connected - flow is nothing but being fully open, fully adaptable, having no walls. Stuck is having walls, being suspicious, not telling the truth. Clearly flow and honesty are connected just as honesty and vulnerability are connected. 

The best way to get into flow is to smile, find something to laugh at, the situation, ourselves. Make the whole thing light and loose. One way to do that is to look at it closely - or to zoom out and see how insignificant this can be in the universe when so many things are there to enjoy and have fun with.

Change the energy. Dilute it with something honest. Something funny. Something physical. 

Here's to shaking the stuckness with a Drainex called honesty, laughter or just some physical shaking up. 


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