Wednesday, January 15, 2014

10 Non-Fiction Books That Made A Huge Impact

This is a list of 10 non-fiction books that made a huge impact on me.

1) The Power Of Now - Eckhart Tolle

2) Mindset, The New Psychology of WInning - Carol Dweck

3) Man's Search for Meaning - Victor Frankyl

4) I Touch The earth And The Earth Touches Me - Hugh Prather

5) You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay

6) The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli

7) The Snow Leopard - Peter Mathiessen

8) A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson

9) Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson

10) Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell

I am not too sure about the last two now. Maybe I should increase this list to 20.


1 comment:

Rajendra said...

With age, I have come to like non-fiction a lot. Of course, with some forays into the 'forbidden' territory of fiction occasionally!