Thursday, May 16, 2024

Travel Bug - Goa day 2

I was up early and though there were many hands that went up when I asked who was up for a walk only two showed up - Anu and Pooja. We walked to Candolim beach and turned left (right goes to Calangute) which is a much longer stretch of the beach. I enjoyed walking by myself after some chat with Anu and went almost to the end where the beach ends on to a rock. The other side of the rock and the civilisation is Dona Paula if I am not mistaken.

Morning walk - Pooja behind us

Anyway long walk ended after an hour and a half and i went back for breakfast at Lily Woods which is rather insipid fare. Anjali wanted to check out a rented bike but because she does not have a license she could not ride (I realised mine had expired as well) so Shobhs hired one. We decided to visit the Museum of Goa which was a few kms away. Anu and Pooja were up to it so we hired a cab for a most expensive 1000 bucks while Shobhs and Anjali went on the bike.

Pooja is the younger child, one year younger than Prarthana. Growing up in the shadow of Prarthana must have been interesting (I should ask her about it sometime) because Pratty is rather strong willed, and though well meaning, if you're the sort who will let it go, you will end up getting a little cramped. But the two of them get along really well for sisters and one can see a real bond of affection and love between them. Where Pratty is out there and dramatic, Pooja is restrained and deep. Both are blessed with the same felicity in arts and music - Pooja sings equally well. Pooja is a paradox in ways, soft and vulnerable, yet strong when she makes up her mind. She is ever ready to take the fight to the opposite camp if need be and is not the yielding type. You cannot push her. Again, she draws well, reads and I am sure whatever she cares to do, she does well. Having done her architecture she pursued her Masters in the UK and is now working. Blessed with a sense of humour and the ability to laugh at herself, she also has a flexible side to her. But she is deep. Loves dogs and animals. Pratty runs a mile from dogs.   

The Museum of Goa is an independent collection founded by artist Subodh Kerkar whose paintings and sculptures were all over the place. Subodh Kerkar is a doctor by training but turned into a full time artist and his stuff is exquisite. Entry is a bit steep at 300 bucks but its for a good cause so we didn't bother too much about it.

Its a two story building with a lovely cafe to the side where some Brazilian lady was having some event.

 We looked all over the place and returned an hour later. Lunch was at Fisherman's Cove down the road which was quite nice (nothing exceptional though)

Back to the room and woke up in time to take Anjali to the beach - she wanted to ride and I sat behind her. She shopped a bit and we joined the others who had come to the beach to watch the sunset. Raja carried a beer and he swigged away at it while we got some snacks from our faithful Lawrencio shack which no one seemed to inhabit.

Back to Raja's room where some more revelry was continued before we wound down for the day.      

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