Friday, May 31, 2024

Thought for the Day - We Don't Really Know What We Are

 This thought came up in a discussion with a fried recently - how well do we know ourselves. Most of us have a low esteem of ourselves (which is why we either lie in our resumes or underplay them). Rarely do we find someone who has a good idea of themselves without feeling apologetic. It struck me that my resumes have generally not been able to capture me fully and when I look at the resumes of my students,I feel the same.

It triggered a thought in me. Before they write their resumes out I would have them do an exercise where they list every single big moment for them, every prize, every compliment, every achievement in their eyes, every participation without missing anything. Then I will have them write down every single thing that they feel is a weakness and have them write down the other side of the weakness - how it can be a strength. Once they are done with this exercise I will ask them to write down their resume.

I think its important for all of us to know ourselves as we are - and to accept ourselves in all our glory.  Not go around like frauds or thieves.

We are special, unique, beautiful. 

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