Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Thought for the Day - Getting Offended Shows Us How Fragile and Inflexible We Are

 Our greatest growth comes from addressing all the areas that offend us - there are too many people getting offended at everything. What getting offended actually means is that we have one narrative and anything that's slightly different from it is not acceptable to us.

Of course it is our choice to get offended or not but what does it get us? One cheap thing is gets us is power to manipulate the others, power to push our narrative ahead. Like Will Smith getting offended.

But it has its downsides because it shows us for the deeply insecure people we are inside that we have to take refuge in getting offended at everything. It is our way of showing how intolerant we are. It makes us intolerant of ourselves in the long run. It damages our perspective and world view because all we're looking at is how to get offended and how to offend others.      

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