Monday, July 22, 2024

Thought for the Day - The Idea of 'Ease' in Life

 Ease (in my definition) is things sorting themselves out without us getting too hassled about it. Big and small, things, they all get sorted. We just walk in and things are happening just right. From finding parking places to conversations that could have potentially gone bad but turned out easy, ease is great to have in our life. 

Can it be had by choice? By design?

I believe we can work ourselves into that state of consciousness. To me ease is a consciousness thing i.e. ease outside reflects ease inside. If my insides are conflicted, angry, suspicious and rigid, I cannot expect ease outside in my life. (If life is not experiencing ease outside, check how it is inside). 

Let me take one step back - what's the opposite of ease? Again, in my broad definition, its rigid. Holding on too tight to things as opposed to holding them with ease (suffocating your partner as opposed to holding them gently). 

So some basic differences between being 'easy' inside as against being 'too tight' inside. 

1) Ease is about being light and loose with everything, being flexible, looking at things as 'hmm interesting' however earth shaking they may be. Rigid is about holding on too hard to things, being inflexible, not happy with the slightest change in plan or outcomes. 

2) Ease is about being open to all outcomes even after giving the best and not getting attached to one outcome.Being rigid is holding on to one outcome and not letting go of it to the extent of losing sight of any other outcome or possibility.  

3) Ease is seeing more opportunities thanks to being flexible and open. Rigid is not seeing any opportunities or solutions and giving up. 

4) Ease is about seeing other possibilities. Rigid is end of story. 

5) Ease allows you to step back when there is a setback and allowing things to happen, not interfering with the process - or rather taking ego out of the picture. Being rigid is going harder, interfering more with the process, and messing it up - going with ego. 

6) Ease is sensing the subtle energy. Being rigid is just being hard. 

7) Ease is about non-judgment. Being rigid is about judgment.

When faced with a setback, a person with ease is thinking - hmm, that's interesting, wonder what it means. There is a loosening of the grip, of allowing the energy to correct. There is surrender (which is not giving up) with the faith that the right solution will show up.And even if does not, it is the right solution.

In that state of mind, when the mind is light and loose, in a state of surrender, open to all possibilities, having given up control (no ego) - there is ease inside. 

When there is ease inside, ease shows up outside in our life. Nothing seems wrong anymore. Without our hard energy judging, forcing things, most things happen easily. Miraculously almost. One wonders, hey I just stepped out of the way and it happened even better than I could have wanted to.

Is it about being happy with what one gets - like a compromise? No, when there is ease inside we actually have the most elegant, the best solution that we could not even imagine or conceive. 

Somewhere at the bottom of it all I feel that so much about ease is about trusting the process of life, of this grander intelligence around us. And it always comes up with the right, the easier solution.    

Practice 'ease inside'. Get 'ease' outside.

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