Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Hero With a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell

 Joseph Campbell's 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces' pretty much tells through myth, psychoanalysis, religious texts and others the steps in the adventure of the hero. They are:

1. The adventure of the hero

The Call to adventure
Refusal of the call
Supernatural aid
The crossing of the first threshold
The belly of the whale

2. Initiation

The road of trials
The meeting with the goddess
Woman as the temptress
Atonement of the father
The ultimate boon

3. Return

Refusal of the return
The magic flight
Rescue from without
The crossing of the return threshold
Master of the two worlds

Each stage of the hero's journey is explained with myths and stories. Lots more to write about which I will in due course. But for now, a very interesting book indeed. Thanks buddy.

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