Monday, January 13, 2025

Sights on the Morning Walks - Bhogi Sights

Woke up early this morning and watched many bhogi fires burning. When I went for the walk I saw many muggus.

To start with the watchman of the apartment block before our house lit a huge bonfire at 6. These days its still dark at 6 so it looked quite a sight. He was also very keen to have his better half take pictures of him holding firecrackers which he deposited into the fore making a racket early in the morning. Playful chap.
I looked down the road and realised that there were at least seven fores burning - all set up by the watchmen of each apartment block. Wonder what their sentiment with bhogi is.

In a short bit I took off on my walk and found more fires burning. I found colorful muggus in front of houses and one which warmly wished us a Happy bhogi. Such a lovely thought and gesture. And such lovely art. Like my friend remarked - how much art there is within all these people. And how it comes out and expresses itself. Beautiful

And two kids warming themselves at the dying fires in our colony.
From one fire to another - one warm place to another

I saw one gangireddu in our colony and one watchman feeding it some food and perhaps giving the man some money.

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