Friday, August 16, 2024

Boys in a Moment of Discovery

 There's that moment when kids are by themselves and they find an opportunity to test their curiosity and grow. These two kids, mostly brothers I'm guessing, are right on that moment - outside and ATM wondering if they should go in. They mostly will not but will test out what they know about an ATM for sure with the older one telling the younger one what he knows about it.

 The posture of the younger one and the distance he is maintaining from the door clearly indicate he does not want any trouble or any unnecessary adventure. The older one looks like he needs some support to go in - a friend who would have pushed him.

What does an ATM mean? Do? Who puts the money there? How people get scammed? Can't they be robbed? Do they have air conditioning? I am sure some of these thoughts would have crossed the kids minds.

And off they move on, into another adventure.

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