This is Paulo Coelho's first (or definitely the one before The Alchemist) and was written in 1987 based on his experiences during his pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela Now, he undertook this 700 kms pilgrimage because he was seeking initiation into RAM (Regina Agnus Mundi) which he fails. The Master, unhappy with Paulo grabbing the ceremonial sword which he should have refused, tells him to undertake the pilgrimage (on foot from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain) to get his sword after he gains an insight into the simplicity of life.
Paulo is given a guide for this journey, a much accomplished designer as Paulo finds out later, who goes by the name Petrus. Petrus is also a member of RAM and he guides and teaches techniques to Paulo through the journey. One of the first things he teaches Paulo is that the Road of Tradition and order of RAM is not for a chosen few- its for everyone. One must seek the sword among simple people and the sword will be waiting at the right time, the right day for you. The path to knowledge is open to everyone - it is simple. The path to wisdom must fulfil these three conditions - it must involve agape, must have practical application and must be simple enough to be followed by anyone. Very much like the road they were on.
Through the course of the journey Petrus teaches Paulo several meditations and rituals - Seed exercise, Speed exercise, Cruelty exercise, Messenger ritual, arousal of intuition, blue sphere exercise, buried alive exercise, RAM breathing exercise, shadows exercise, listening exercise and dance exercise.
Through it all Petrus says one must keep moving forward. When we are moving forward towards an objective, one must pay attention to the road. The road teaches us the best way to get there, enriches it. Paying attention to the road he says is like caresses in foreplay in sexual activity which determines the intensity of the orgasm.
Wherever your treasure is says Petrus, there will be your heart. Never stop dreaming he says. One must continue the good fight - the good fight is one where we fight because our heart asks it of us. Its fought in the name of our dreams. We kill our dreams because we are afraid to fight the good fight. First symptom of giving up the fight are - no time, second is being certain and third is getting comfortable with peace (no adventure). When we kill our dreams we become cruel to others and to ourselves.
To rescue our dreams we must be generous with ourselves - no self punishment at all. Cruelty towards ourselves manifests as - guilt, remorse, indecision and cowardice. Of all the ways we have found to hurt ourselves the worst has been through love. The devil comes as the messenger - accept him as a friend.
Anyone who wants to fight the good fight must look at the world as if its a treasure waiting to be discovered and won.
Petrus tells Paulo about the three types of love Eros, Philos and Agape. Eros is love between two people as we know it. When the flame of Eros stops burning Philos keeps them together. Philos is love in the form of friendship. Agape is all consuming love - contains both Eros and Philos. All of us seek Eros and when Eros turns into Philos we think love is worthless. But it is Philos that leads us to the highest form of love, agape.
Agape is total love - love that consumes the person who experiences it. Nothing else is important to that person - just love. Agape in its other form is enthusiasm. Everyone of us has the flame of madness burning inside and it is fed by Agape.
In fighting the good fight one must never forget that a threat leads to nothing if its not accepted. While attacking and fleeing is part of the fight, becoming paralysed with fear is not the fight.
Petrus tells Paulo that wisdom has value only if it helps us overcome an obstacle. Paulo's obsession with getting his sword must not be at the cost of not putting it to use. That's when Paulo also realises that he needs to constantly put his sword to test so it does not rust.
Petrus tells Paulo that the only way to make the right decision is to know what the wrong decision is. You have to examine the other path without fear and without being morbid and the decide. What would be the answer that would be most wrong?
Petrus also tells Paulo that our enemy always represents our weaker side - could be physical pain, a premature sense of victory, a decision to abandon the fight. During the fight we try to protect the weaker side so the enemy strikes at the unguarded side where we have the most confidence. We get defeated because we make the fatal error of letting the enemy choose how the battle will be waged.
Be aware however that the enemy develops us, is part of Agape.
A person's greatest source of strength in trying to defeat the enemy is the present - that is where agape, the will to win through enthusiasm are.
Petrus tells Paulo that everything is contained in sounds - the past, present and the future. The person who listens to the sounds of the moment is able to make the right decisions.
Towards the end Paulo stumbles upon the secret of the sword - what should I do with the sword? What's the purpose of attaining the sword?
He discovers that its not a sin to be happy.
In the end Petrus leaves him and Paulo completes the journey, meets his Master who gifts him his sword. Through the entire journey Petrus and Paulo go through a lot of stuff - meeting a witch woman and her dog which attacks Paulo until he gets over his fear, Jordi the priest, climbing waterfalls which puts them in life and death situations and forces them to find a way, going through the sword ritual and failing again, doing all the meditations and rituals that Petrus teaches. And of course drinking some wine and eating some basic food throughout the journey.
I still have no idea what this initiation into the order of RAM is but Paulo Coelho seems to have done it. The book as with all his books has these insights which make you think. I liked it. Especially the stuff about the three forms of love.
I bought this book in this little second hand book collection next to the hotel. It was previously owned by Pallavi. So I guess thanks is due to Pallavi and I hope she gained mush from this book as I did.