Thursday, March 19, 2020

Art Management 2020 - Session 3

In the third session, we focused on the purpose, as part of the process of moving forward. So we watched as we always do, Simon Sinek's classic TED talk 'Start with why'.

Simon Sinek illustrates the simple idea of the golden circle -  three concentric circles of What (outermost), How (middle) and Why (innermost). He says that most of the world does mediocre work because we go outside in - from the 'what' to the 'why' (most don't even know the why). The what is what's visible and easy to see, while the why is fuzzy and needs some thought and conviction.

To do inspired work we must first start with Why.

The why is our purpose. Why are we doing this? What's the purpose of my art? My effort? All that I would like to achieve over a period of 20 years or even more. The idea is not to let the limitation of time lessen one's vision. Simon Sinek talks about belief - about what one believes as their cause. He cites examples of the Wright brothers, Martin Luther King and we can take any number of great people and their inspired work and one way or another, they all began with their why. Of creating something that makes a difference to the large section of society - solves of problem or provides joy.

Using the purpose, the student is asked to write down their purpose. It could be as simple as saying that 'I want my dance to give joy to the world'. (Then everything that one does aligns to that purpose.) Or one could aspire to create happiness in the world, or make it a more loving space, or heighten awareness of culture or politics through one's art.

The 'why' has to be something bigger than ourselves. When we aim for something bigger than ourselves, we become bigger people for it.

Q. What is your purpose? Your long term vision?

The 'How' is the process of achieving the Why. One must know the most efficient way to achieve one's goal. The How of it. Typically this involves two things - the culture or values that one brings to the work. Honesty, discipline, a learning mindset, pursuit of excellence, respect, love, innovation, devotion - any of these values when practised as a group or an institution, to increase efficiency, becomes one's culture. It is the 'way' we do things.

Q. What are the values you would like to adopt to achieve your why? Your way?

Another How, is knowing productivity techniques to improve one's efficiency in the pursuit of getting better at the craft. This involves techniques and concepts that help the student gain expertise in a more efficient manner. It includes an understanding of how to become an expert, learning theories, deconstructing skill, understanding feedback and monitoring mechanisms, time management and so on.

Q. What is the process to adopt to gain expertise in the art?

The What is the most easily visible thing - the product. Not the aspiration, not the grand dream. Just the bare product. It's basic physical work. What do you want to achieve? Or, what are your goals? We run through the process of goal setting, set short, medium and long term goals.

Q. What are your immediate goals? or, What is the work you need to do to achieve your goals?

Simon Sinek's talk is layered and involves about leadership, inspired work and personal excellence. If our Why is clear, it will guide us through times when we doubt ourselves. Since the purpose is something bigger than ourselves, and one must not hesitate to dream as big as one can and hold the vision.

Write out one's vision or purpose in as clear a statement as one can. It should inspire, guide, be the reason to get up every day and work towards it.

While at it, one can also attempt the How and the What.

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