Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Teacher's Lounge - Movie

 2024.German. Oscar contender.

The story begins with an investigation into a series of thefts from the teacher's lounge. The investigation comes to a class which is being taken by a new teacher who is passionate about her job, about student's welfare and rights and also their development. When the class leaders are pushed to reveal the names of suspects they indicate names under pressure, supported by the new teacher. A young immigrant boy is unfairly suspected of being the thief.

While the teacher investigates on her own she identifies the thief through a piece of clothing that comes into the frame of her computer video. It starts a whole new series of mini drams - the suspect is staff - and she turns hostile and threatens to sue, parents turn hostile and most importantly her star student who is the son of the accused turns hostile. How a potentially messy situation is then slowly resolved by the teacher who sticks to her principles and protects the boy - and in the end, seems to redeem him.

Very nice. Intense. The school as the microcosm of society as one reviewer said. 

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