Life is the choices we make. The choices we make are either good or bad judgments. These judgment calls happen when there are dilemmas, grey areas, the part when we are not sure if we want to plunge or hold back.
One last drink. One moment when we take our eyes off. One extra chance.
That's all life is about. Taking those chances and losing it all. It finally comes down to those gray areas - the ones who can handle them well, come out alive, the ones who cannot, die.
To handle the gray area one must be aware of that situation, must replay the tempting chance it offers just like the devil and know when to hold back.
Winners hold back when required and plunge in when things are clearer. Losers rush in without realising that they could perish.
Its about keeping your eyes open, about taking ownership and making something grand out of it.
Life is about handling the grey areas. The grey areas is where the devil sits. Hold yourself and go past that. Practice holding back.
It's the same thing - instant gratification blindly versus long term benefits that compound, by holding back.
Is holding back always good?
What of the times holding back is from fear? of not taking the chances; the risk; leap of faith? and then missing possibilities?
Perhaps it's really about context, and discernment to know, when, which :)
Good and valid q. I think the context I wrote about is those times when we feel the urge to do something out of fear, out of not being able to hold the pressure, and ending up doing something rash that ends the effort. In such circs, holding on until there is clarity makes sense. The leap of faith you were talking about is a chance that we do not take out of fear of failing. Perhaps the difference is that in the first case the fear is about not being able to hold the pressure (time or mounting targets) and the second is about not taking the leap at all because of fear of failure. Maybe in the first we are already in the middle of the action and need to complete it, while the second is about actually taking the leap before we act itself. But there's a time to hold back and there's a time to leap - the critical thing is to know when. Ideally it should not be a fear based decision or action - hold on till there's some clarity, some indication and then go for it. My thoughts.
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