Sunday, January 26, 2025

Visit to Shilparamam

 Part of Miskil's and Suhita's visit was to head out to Shilparamam and we did, with Anjali for company one evening. I found that there was considerable parking space at an exorbitant rate of 60 bucks which is the highest I have paid save for the airports. Anyway we headed back up and into Shilparamam. Evening time, so it was pleasant. the general idea was not to buy anything but stroll around.


Soon as we entered the place we came upon the amphitheatre where some kids were performing a dance program. Since both Suhita and Miskil are trained dancers they wanted to watch and we sat down there for a bit. Then we moved onto a place which advertised blue pottery or something and that caught Miskil's attention and she ended up buying some stuff.

We walked around a bit, bought some sugar candy, Anjali ate some dahi papdi, Miskil tried to buy some expensive paintings and then we all slowly headed back and went homeward.    

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