Monday, May 1, 2023

The Law of Attraction - Esther and Jerry Hicks

 One of the main thing the book talks about is to get in touch with our Non-Physical Source Energy or our 'Inner Being'. When we are in touch with our Inner Being we can intentionally create. Meditation is one way to get in touch with the Inner Being.

Can we create the life we want? Yes, say the authors. In our lack of self-appreciation we deny ourselves the natural inheritance of continuous joy. We can find this continuous joy through the processes they give in the book 1) Law of Attraction 2) Science of Deliberate Creation 3) Art of Allowing.

Law of Attraction

It is a powerful law. That which is like, draws unto itself more of that. We attract all our experiences without exception.  Like a magnet we attract the essence of what we are thinking and feeling. Our feelings and thoughts create vibrations and when we pay attention to them, we affect our vibration and create our experience.

The Inner Being communicates through emotion. When the emotion is positive there is harmony, when the emotion is negative, there is disharmony. The better you feel the better you attract. So pay attention to how you feel, to your emotional guidance system. The better you feel, the faster you manifest because your attention and the feeling are right. The key is that you focus attention on what you want while experiencing a positive emotion.

Interestingly the authors say - disregard everything and focus on how you prefer things to be. Your state of being is how you feel about yourself at any point in life.

The authors ask us to enter a Creative Workshop Process every day either at the beginning or at the end of the day (maybe both also). First, be happy. Then, look for things and experiences you liked through the day. Prepare a picture in your mind. Create the world you want. Disappointment is communication from your Inner Being letting you know that what you are focused upon is not what you want.  

Another method to create something which is beyond your belief is to 'Bridge the Belief' - i.e. start with the belief and slowly work through your own fears and doubts and arrive at a place where you are OK with expecting that. Cognitively tell yourself that maybe you are feeling this way but maybe it could happen also etc.

When we resist certain ideas and say 'I don't want' -  what you are doing is giving it more power and attracting it into your life. So you end up getting  what you really really want and what you really really don't want.

The best way is to seek joy because in seeking joy we find alignment with our Inner Being. When joy is really important to you, you do not allow yourself to focus on things that do not feel good. The result of thinking only thoughts that feel good would cause you to create a wonderful life filled with all you desire. 

The greatest gift we can give another is the gift of your expectation of your success. 

People in pain are creating their own agony by focusing on things they do not want. To help them, turn your undivided attention to their successful resolution of their painful situation and inspire an actual solution for them.

The achievement of anything you desire most is the mark of success.

Science of Deliberate Creation

In the physical world we first launch thought (desire) and then there is an expectation from the thought (creation). In the non-physical world, they happen simultaneously. Since we are in the physical world, the way to create is to joyfully create in thought what you have launched. To be inspired in the action of joy.

There are only two emotions - good or bad (choose good). When you're feeling good, you don't have to monitor your thoughts. So be guided by the best-feeling-thoughts. Trust your inner guidance system. Most times when we want something, we block it immediately with a 'but'. Don't. Create. Allow it to come.

Exercise - take three strips of paper and at the top write what you want. Beneath it write all the reasons why you want it 2) at the back write all reason why you will have this  

Again we have a Workshop for Deliberate Creation. Thoughts with great emotion have greater potential.Giving thought on one hand and expecting or believing on the other is the balance that brings to you that which you receive. Negative emotions, miscreate. To create use your thoughts, eyes, words from what is to what you want.

Be specific enough that you feel positive emotion but not so specific that you feel negative. Give your thought direction, details until you feel good. To reverse a downward spiral - do something that will change your thought.

Art of Allowing

The essence is this - I am that which I am and am pleased with it. You are that which you are and though different, we're good. I am willing to allow all others to be that which they are, just as I allow myself to be who I am.

Allowing is a positive emotion. Tolerating is a negative emotion. When we are solution oriented, we are positive. When our focus is on the problem, we have a negative mindset.

When we are clear about what we want, its easy. That which you give your emotional attention to is what you draw into your experience.

Not allowing of self is where not allowing of others comes from.

Exercise: Every morning for 3 days say 'I intend to see, I want to see, I expect to see..'

Segment Intending

All our creative power is in the moment. But we are projecting it not only into this moment but also to the future . Segment Intending is the power of deliberate creation for what is specifically created for those moments in time. If there are too many things there is confusion. Pause many times during the day and do segment intending.

All physical beings have communication from their Inner Being in the form of emotion - so whenever your emotion is positive, you are in harmony with your intention. When we meditate we withdraw focus from the physical world and focus on our inner world. In the workshop we give deliberate thought to what we want. In segment intending we identify what we want in each segment.

The authors insist that there is great value in being happy, because only from the point of being happy can you attract that which you want.

Usually there is much more time spent in the thought of the negative thing that happened than in what actually happens.

When in conflicting situations - simply take your eye off what is conflicting anf put it on the essence of what you want.


I liked the book and its ideas of creative workshop, of creating things we wan by imagining them and by making them happen by being in a happy emotion while imagining those. I liked the idea of segment intending too - intentions and emotions for each segment of the day. Continuously create your life they say. I am sure with practice we an.               

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