Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Beautiful Game- Movie

 2024. English.

Chanced upon this beautiful film by chance on Netflix and loved it. I am sucker for sports drama anyday and for underdog stories and what could be a more underdog story than a 'Homeless World Cup'. The Homeless World Cup is an annual world football event run by the Association which hopes to eradicate homelessness by associating with football. Co founded in 2011 by Mel Young and Harald Schmeid it hopes to advocate a solution for homelessness.

The story is fictional - about a homeless English team being put together by a thoughtful manager who had managed big teams earlier. The story takes off like a shot and jumps right in. It is a short version of soccer with five players. England has in its ranks a refugee from Syria (I think), a heroin addict on rehab, a man who gambled away his life and ended up on the roads, someone who was an orphan and our protagonist Vinny who has the past of a star in the making who loses it all.

Thea Sharrock ties it all up beautifully - everyone gets the chance and break they deserve. Can't ask for anything more.  Watch it. Nice feel good stuff.

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