Thursday, March 23, 2023

Coaching Stories No 18 - What Coming Late Indicates

 I'm late by just a few minutes. So what's the big deal?

If you're habitually late, or do not have a healthy respect for a time you have committed to, it is a behavior indicates a few things.

1. That you do not take your word seriously enough and are OK with being flexible with it

2. That you do not know how to work backwards from a given commitment, keeping possible obstacles in view, and working around them.

Being on time shows an organised mind. A person who is late shows a disorganised mind, a person who is on time shows an organised mind and a person who is ahead of time shows a prepared mind that wants to contribute and make the best of the opportunity, and not just participate. The third is a leadership trait.

People who come ahead of time are well prepared and want to understand the environment better so they can contribute better.

Being on time also indicates a healthy respect for others time, for your own time. When you give respect, you get respect.

ll this can be understood by this behavior. Perhaps more. 

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