Sunday, March 19, 2023

Coaching Stories No 15 - Put It Down on Paper!

 How can I get clarity?

By putting your thoughts on paper. Noting works like a pen and paper to scribble and make sense of your thoughts. The best strategies, thoughts are laid down on scraps of paper. Writing gives clarity of thought.

Writing does not mean literary masterpieces. Just what you want, possibilities, connections, order, organisation, looking at gaps and thinking what needs to be done and voila, you have a plan of some sorts. That is enough to get clarity.

But most people do not write, put pen to paper. 

You could do it in your head too but writing it down offers two advantages.

1) It gives you both the zoomed out top view and the smaller picture 

2) it allows you to see gaps and fill in details

If you don't have both, and have no control over both, you have no plan.

So write, scribble, make some plan. Some strategy. It will help like nothing else. 

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