Sunday, December 12, 2021

Thought for the Day - Attachment Is Clingy and Drives Things Away

 While playing cricket we learned that to win, we must be ready to lose. If we are too attached to winning, we'll lose. But if we are ready to lose, we take risks and they pay off mostly. The thing is our attachment to success, money, relationship or anything else, is what drives it away. It takes on a clingy nature and off that goes. 

Cafe Good Luck, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune

I mean you may still have it - the money, the person, the cup - but you will only have a dead version of it. Not what you wanted - the fun, energetic, exciting version of it. Money hoarded will never give you the pleasure of money you earn and spend heartily. A locked up, controlled and suppressed spouse or partner will never give you the fun a free one did.

Similarly, with attachment, you may somehow possess, but will never be able to enjoy what you posses. More likely, with attachment, that you seek to control, will run away form you. Physically. If not, in spirit.  

Solution - Let go. Keep leaving, letting go and it will stay. Like water in your palm.

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