Friday, May 7, 2021

The Time Keeper - Mitch Albom

 Best known for his 'Tuesdays with Morrie' Mitch takes us on a journey with time - to a time when time was not discovered. So there's Father Time and a boy who discovers time called Dor and it looks like Dor is the chap who invents time and messes it up for the world.

Dor gets a chance to redeem himself when he is asked by Father Time to help two people on earth - one who wants more time and one who wants to end her time - a rich businessman who wants to live forever after his impending death by securing his body in a cryogenic facility and a young girl who wants to kill herself after a failed love affair. Dor saves both, gets them together, so they get back and go back to life with more grace. The businessman lives and funds the girls college and she grows up and discovers a cure for cancer.

Didn't make much sense though it had something to do with time. Avoid.

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