Saturday, December 14, 2019

A New Experience - Life Without a Phone

The other day I was off for a three-day trip, planned rather suddenly. We were driving down to Nellore on some work. I was to take my car to Vasu's house at five in the morning and leave it there so we could drive from thereon. In the darkness and while talking to each other I left my phone in my car and we headed off. At Malakpet I realised I had forgotten my phone and told Vasu that. He suggested we go back but then I figured it's ok - I could have lost my phone or damaged it. It would be a great way to detox. Anyone desperate enough to reach me would surely find a way, or wait.

It was a very freeing experience to not have the phone with me. I had no time, no alarm, no photos to shoot, no calls to make or receive, no messages to check or send - bliss. While all else were checking their phones I was blissfully on my own. Didn't miss it.

When I came back I was surprised to see one of my friends, someone I know very little of in reality but someone who sends me thoughtful forwards every day (the only one whose forwards I respond to because they are thoughtfully selected), was worried and had sent some messages and called. Otherwise the world did not miss me at all! Funnily, the ones who I thought might possibly get concerned, weren't. My family was dying of mirth with the normal jokes of - how will he survive without his phone and how will the phone survive without him stuff.

Very freeing indeed. We do worry ourselves too much. We give ourselves too much importance. It just doesn't matter! So chill.

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