Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Advanced How To Be Money - Gary M Douglas

Some stuff from this workbook that made sense to me. It's a workbook with a lot of questions. How would I be if I had 100 million for all eternity, how much doubt was I using to create the lack I am choosing, where have I refused to be the real source of change and many more deep questions.

Here are some statements that I noted down. I find some profound truths in these money and abundance books.

Be what creates money instead of being what makes you wrong.

The amount of money you are willing to be determines the amount of change you can create in the world. It's about the money you have and how that can change the world.

Be seen, be out there, own your life, choose choices that create greater possibilities.

Everything is about the possibilities, not the problem.

The purpose of money is to facilitate your body. We have created a separation between us and our bodies in order to create no money in our lives.

How does money make my body easier? Expand, make your body lighter. Pamper your body. Money is from my body. Create comfort for my body.

Limitations about money are about fitting in, and not standing out. Trying to prove that your life does not work.

Use money to create a different reality for someone right now. Be crazy. More and more.

The feeling of lack cannot be real.

Don't make people more important than you.

Make something greater of whatever shows up in your life.

Seek your fame and fortunes. Keep creating.

That which you hate is what you create. It's a place where you cannot receive, you cannot be and you cannot achieve.

Enthusiasm for living. Be enthusiastic about life, creation, every moment.

Commit all energies to fail, to live. Everything is possible if you don't see something as a problem.

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