Wednesday, August 24, 2011

10 Things I Can Do for an Honest, Fair, Transparent, Accountable Society

What can I do for an honest, fair, transparent and accountable society? There are things that are certainly in my control, that if I do, might not need things to get to this situation. If we all do our bit, maybe we do not need to fight on this scale.

1) I will be honest in my dealings. (No excuses - like the whole world being dishonest so why should I be honest?)

2) I will be transparent in my dealings. (I will not hide income, not indulge in ways to reduce or evade paying taxes, duties).

3) I will be fair in my dealings. (I will not cheat the uneducated, the needy by paying them less because they are in need, not exploit little children, the illiterate etc)

4) I will be accountable for what I do. (Even if no one asks me, I will hold myself accountable).

5) I will do my job with sincerity and integrity. (I will understand what my job is and do full justice to it, as I would expect others to do it for me, without using it for undue gain).

6) I will stand up against dishonesty. (If there is dishonesty and I can see it, I will stand up to it and question, complain and protest against it)

7) I will make people who are responsible, accountable to me by asking in a fashion that is democratic. (I will ask questions, I will make them accountable, I will not merely let them get away without any accountability - this is my job having elected them).

8) I will stand up for my rights. (I will stand up for my rights even if it takes time, even if I have to wait, even if I need to go to the police station or the court. I am prepared to stand up to what is right and not pay my way out in the easy way).

9) I will use my vote wisely. (I will vote for people who are sincere, who have a track record of doing constructive things, who have the intentions and the energy, only.)

10) I will report the corrupt in the appropriate channels. (When I see corruption around me I will take the trouble to report the same to appropriate authorities through proper channels. I will take this much time out of my busy schedules because this affects all of us.)

Even this list looks like a lot of work. But we cannot hope that someone else will fly the flag for us. That someone else will fight for our rights. Why will anyone else do it, if we are not interested in sparing some time, some effort, some energy? We must give this much to ourselves. We must be prepared to see where each thread leads, how far it goes, what is the law governing it is. Once we refuse to yield to the short cut, it is easy to handle it.

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